Succulent Seeds

A bunch of Succulent plants grown from seeds


Succulents are a popular houseplant because they’re easy to care for and look great in any setting. They’re also easy to grow from seed, which means you can start your own plant from scratch. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about succulent seeds: what they are, how to collect them, and how best to germinate them into healthy little seedlings that’ll grow up into beautiful indoor plants.

What are succulent seeds?

Succulent seeds are those that have a thick outer coating. Succulents are plants that have thick, fleshy leaves and stems. The name comes from the Latin word “succus,” which means juice or sap.

Succulent seeds come in many different shapes and sizes, but most of them are round or oval-shaped with a hard coat. Some examples include agave, cactus and aloe vera plants.

While there are many different types of succulent seeds, you can start by collecting the ones that grow around your home since they’re often readily available to collect. If you’re looking for other varieties though, check out local nurseries or botanical gardens for more options. Once you’ve collected some seed pods (the fruit of a plant), all you need to do is soak them overnight until they start to open up so that you can remove their contents before storing them in an airtight container such as an old film canister or glass jar with lid until planting time!

Some common succulents you can grow from seed

If you’re new to growing succulents, the good news is that some are easier than others. Some of the easiest species to grow include aloe, jade, echeveria, sedum, and sempervivum. These plant types can be grown from seed without any special care at all!

However, if you’re looking for a challenge or want more consistent results with your seedlings (as opposed to waiting for them to mature into adult plants), try growing some of these other types: Crassula ovata (kalanchoe) and Crassula perforata (jade tree). While they are not as easy as some other plants on this list—and may require some extra attention—they still have very low maintenance needs when compared with other succulent varieties.

Easiest succulents to grow from seed

Succulents are the easiest plants to grow from seed, which is why they make great starter plants for children and beginners. Most succulents can be grown from seed, but some are easier than others. Some common succulents that can be grown from seed include:

  • Aloe vera
  • Crassula ovata (jade plant)
  • Lithops species (living stones)
How to grow succulents from seed

Succulents are easy to grow from seed. They can be grown indoors or outdoors, in large or small containers. Succulent seeds are easy to find at online and local garden centers, and they’re also available on Amazon.

After you’ve purchased your seeds and planted them in their pots of soil (you can buy these pots at craft stores or from Amazon), make sure the soil stays moist but not wet. If you want to keep your succulents moist throughout the growing process, consider setting up a drip system for them so that they’ll always have access to the water they need.

The important thing about growing succulents is keeping them alive through two crucial phases: germination and adolescence/adulthood.* In order for your plant’s roots to grow strong enough for it to survive as an adult plant, it must go through what’s known as “hardening off.” This means exposing the young seedling’s roots gradually over time until they’re used to being outside its original container where it was kept safe before being planted into its permanent home outdoors or inside your house

How to collect and store seeds

Collecting and storing seeds is a simple process that can help you preserve your favorite plants.

  • Once you have decided which of your succulents are going to be seeds, it’s time to collect them from their parent plant. Succulent seeds should be collected when they are fully ripe and ready for planting—this means there will be no more than one or two days between collecting the seed and planting it. If the seeds are left too long after being removed from the parent plant, they will lose viability (the ability to germinate).
  • Lay down some newspaper on top of a flat surface where you can spread out your collected seeds evenly so they don’t roll away from each other as you work with them in this step-by-step process!

Succulent seed germination

As a general rule, succulent seeds germinate in warm, moist conditions. To get them to sprout, you’ll need to find an appropriate environment for the seed—one that mimics their natural growing conditions.

The exact amount of time it takes for a seed to sprout varies from one species of succulent to another. Some kinds can take as little as three weeks; others may require up to six months. Generally speaking, you should expect your seeds to begin germinating between spring and summer (though some species will have a longer or shorter window that depends on where they’re from).

Succulent seedlings care

You can keep your succulent seedlings alive and thriving with some careful attention to their needs. Here are some tips:

  • Watering: The most important part of caring for succulent seedlings is watering, but don’t overwater them! Succulents tend to be more tolerant of dryness than other plants, so you’ll want to water them less frequently than non-succulents. Be sure not to soak the soil; just give it a good soak and then wait until they’ve dried out slightly before watering again. Also, don’t let water sit on the leaves or stems of a succulent—it will cause them to rot and die quickly!
  • Light: As long as you live in an area that gets direct sunlight most days throughout the year (we’re talking at least 6 hours), your succulent seeds should do fine outside in full sun. If you have an indoor space where light comes through windows—like near a south-facing window or near an east-west facing window with plenty of spillover from skylights or other sources—you can place your seeds there as well after germination has taken place. Otherwise, place your plants under artificial lights if necessary (this is especially helpful during winters when there’s less natural light available).

Most people think growing succulents is hard, but with the right techniques, it’s really easy.

Succulents are beautiful and unique, but most people think growing them is hard. With the right techniques, it’s actually super easy to grow succulents indoors or out!

Succulents can be grown indoors or outdoors. They’re low maintenance, drought tolerant, and easy to propagate. You can even grow them in containers if you don’t have much space to work with.


I hope this article has helped you understand more about succulent seeds and how to grow them. We have covered a lot of information here, but feel free to look around in our shop where we sell multiple species.

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